Playful Learning
for All

Are you looking for a methodology that will transform how nursery and primary children learn ?

At Abracadabra Creative Learning, we believe that learning and play are mutually reinforcing each other – for children, but also adults, and that less is more. We are supporting teachers and schools to teach basic math and language skills in a child-centred way at the right level.

We are making playful learning methods available where they are most needed.

The idea for Abracadabra Creative Learning was born in a small village near Lalibela in Northern Ethiopia. There and in many other places, children lack access to school and often only spend a couple of years in primary school. Learning basic language and numeracy skills therefore needs to be even more effective than in regular Western schools. This is why our small team trains teachers and educators how to use play and local materials to Teach Foundational Skills and Math and Literacy at the Right Level.

Learn how to implement play-based learning in your classroom.

For Teachers who want to boost foundational literacy and math in their classroom

Do you teach in a kindergarten or primary school and often think you are lacking learning materials?

The children in your classroom are at different levels and struggle to catch-up with the learning objectives?

You want to support your students in their learning, but you do not have the time and materials you would need?

Do you want to know how you can transform your classroom without additional funds to become a place where children learn foundational literacy and math with great motivation?

Then our training on TEACHING BASIC MATH AND LITERACY AT THE RIGHT LEVEL might be just right for you.

For Schools and Organisations that are looking for innovative learning concepts

Are you working with preschool or primary-aged children in a low-resource contextYou might not have access to a lot of learning materials, but this should not prevent you from offering children a great learning environment.

Have you heard about playful learning and Montessori, but you do not really know how to get started and implement it in your school or organisation?

You would like to motivate your teachers/educators and have children learning for the world of tomorrow?

We help schools and organisations to offer children the best possible education through playful learning approach using local materials. Let us have a chat to see how we could support you.