Nanny First Day Checklist: Your Comprehensive Onboarding Guide

mom, nanny and baby

Hiring a nanny is a significant step in your child’s development. But the first days can be as nerve-wracking for the nanny as it is for you.

Therefore, a well-structured nanny onboarding process is key to setting up a successful relationship and ensuring your little one is in good hands. Here’s your comprehensive guide to making the first days a smooth and stress-free transition.

In this post I am sharing with you my tips from 10 years of experience working with nannies and au pairs in various countries around the world. 

1. Get Clear on Your Nanny’s Duties

Before your nanny’s first day, outline their responsibilities in detail. A clear job description helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures everyone is on the same page. Establishing open lines of communication and clarifying expectations with your nanny is crucial for creating a trusting and collaborative relationship.

Start by gaining clarity for yourself on your nanny´s main duties. This step is a critical part of the nanny or au pair induction. 

Get the full Nanny Onboarding Guide with detailed checklists. 

A FREE compact guide with my tips and concrete checklists for a smooth onboarding journey for your nanny. 

Nanny onboarding checklists

2. Take the Time for a Few Days of Onboarding

Onboarding your nanny and making sure you and your child feel comfortable and secure separating needs time. Nanny onboarding isn’t a one-day task—it’s an ongoing process.

Start by setting up an initial meeting to discuss your expectations, routines, and parenting philosophies. Also clarify any outstanding administrative questions.

Then go more in depth over the following days. Dedicate a few days to thoroughly introduce your nanny to your home, family routines, and expectations. Walk them through daily tasks, show them where essentials are located, and let them observe how you interact with your child. 

This hands-on training period helps your nanny acclimate to their new environment and understand your family’s unique dynamics.

3. Clarify Your Child’s Schedule and Routines

Children thrive on consistency, so it’s essential to communicate your child’s daily schedule and routines clearly. Providing a detailed description of your child’s daily schedule helps your nanny understand and maintain consistency in their care.

Share details about nap times, meal times, playtime, and any extracurricular activities. Don’t forget to mention any particular habits or rituals, like a favorite bedtime story or a specific snack preference. The more your nanny knows about your child’s routine, the smoother the transition will be for everyone. Provide a visual schedule or chart that outlines the daily routine.

Discuss your child’s preferences and any specific needs they may have. Explain any signs your child might use to indicate they need help or are ready for a new activity. Clear communication about your child’s needs is a cornerstone of effective caregiver onboarding

Nanny onboarding checklists

How to best onboard your nanny to your educational values

In this FREE practical guide, I am sharing with you my tips and concrete checklists for a smooth onboarding journey for your nanny.

Hi, Nice to meet you

I am Maria. A mom of three and a Montessori education and development expert.

I am supporting multilingual families and families living abroad to bring Montessori-inspired play and learning into their homes – with simple, yet effective activities using recycled and natural materials.

Having been privileged to train over 200 nannies in more than 15 countries, I love seeing how every day items can be transformed into fun play ideas in a few minutes. You do not need a lot to come up with amazing creative play and learning ideas. I’ll show you and your nanny how.

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4. Communicate Your Home Rules

Every household has its own set of rules, and it’s important your nanny knows them. Before your nanny starts, it is worthwhile clarifying for yourself what are the basic non-negotiable rules in your home that you would like your nanny to work along. Bear in mind that your nanny might come from a different cultural and educational background. Something you consider normal, might be different for her and vice-versa.

During the first week take time to discuss with your nanny the rules you would like her and your child to respect. This is also an opportunity to discuss what kind of language you would like your nanny to use (e.g. positive education approach).

Whether it’s screen time limits, dietary restrictions, or how to handle discipline, be clear and consistent in communicating these rules. Walk through each rule and explain the reasoning behind them so your nanny can enforce them confidently and respectfully.

mom playing with baby

5. Manage a Gradual Transition

Starting with shorter hours and gradually increasing the nanny’s responsibilities helps your child adjust to the new caregiver while still having you around as a comforting presence.

Begin with the nanny observing your interactions with your child. This allows them to see firsthand how you implement your educational principles and manage daily routines. This should include how you play with your child, meal-times, bed-time and changing and bath routines.

Gradually shift to having the nanny take on more responsibilities while you remain present. For example, you might start by having the nanny assist with a meal or an activity while you provide guidance. Over time, you can step back and allow the nanny to take the lead, intervening only when necessary to offer support or feedback.

During this transition period, observe the interactions between your child and the nanny. Provide constructive feedback to ensure that your values are being upheld. Encourage the nanny to build a rapport with your child by engaging in activities they enjoy. Observe how your child is reacting. Slowly increase the distance while staying in the same room.

Always say good-bye to your child when you are leaving. Increase stretches from a few minutes to more observing how your child reacts. Be confident, your child will feel that and be reassured.

6. Discuss Your Educational Values

Clearly explaining your educational values and philosophies is essential for ensuring that your nanny aligns with your approach.

Start by discussing the core principles of your educational approach, such as the importance of a positive education approach, hands-on learning, and fostering independence. Explain how these principles guide your daily routines and interactions with your child. Provide resources for training to help your nanny understand these concepts. This helps your nanny gain a deeper understanding of why you have chosen this approach and how it benefits your child’s development.

Discuss how your educational values translate into specific practices. For example, explain why you encourage your child to participate in practical life activities and how these tasks support their development. Demonstrate how to set up activities. Also discuss how to address challenging behaviors in a positive and respectful manner using positive reinforcement and acknowledging emotions.

Encourage your nanny to observe your child’s interests and needs, offering choices, and allowing them to take the lead in their learning. Discuss the importance of patience and allowing your child to work at their own, even if it means stepping back and letting them make mistakes.

Regularly discuss your educational values and discuss how they are being implemented. Use examples from daily routines to highlight successes and areas for improvement. For instance, if you notice that your child is becoming more independent in dressing themselves, discuss how your nanny can further support this development.


Wondering how to best discuss your educational values with your nanny?

Download the full FREE Guide with my 10 essential Tips for Onboarding Your Nanny.

7. Model Educational Activities

Demonstrating key educational activities and routines is crucial for helping your nanny understand and implement your educational approach.

Start by showing her the child’s play environment. Explain how to arrange shelves with materials that are within your child’s reach and organized in a way that promotes independence and exploration. Show your nanny where she can find arts and crafts materials and how to use them. Set-up a model arts and crafts activity and do it together with your child.

Model how you play with your child and present some specific activities, such as sensory activities, how to read a book and educational materials. Explain the purpose behind these activities, such as developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, and show how to guide your child through the steps without taking over. Show your nanny how to engage with your child during these activities.

Provide a guide to where materials can be found and how they should be used. Ensure that she knows how to maintain the environment, keeping it tidy and organized to encourage your child’s independence.

Nanny and mom

8. Prepare for Emergencies

Safety is paramount when it comes to childcare. Ensuring that your nanny is well-versed in emergency procedures is crucial for maintaining a safe environment conducive to learning and development. 

Go over your emergency procedures and ensure your nanny knows what to do in case of an accident or unexpected event. Provide them with emergency contact numbers, show them where the first aid kit is kept, and explain any specific medical needs your child may have. Consider enrolling your nanny in a CPR and first aid course if they haven’t already completed one.

9. Encourage Feedback

Fostering an environment where your nanny feels comfortable providing feedback and suggestions is essential for a positive and effective caregiving relationship.

During the first week, have daily check-ins to see how it is going for your nanny and how your child is reacting. Address any concerns, and make adjustments as needed. These meetings provide a structured opportunity for open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving.

Afterwards, make time for monthly check-ins. Encourage your nanny to share her insights and observations about your child’s progress and behavior. For example, they might notice that your child is particularly interested in a new activity or is struggling with a certain task. Create a feedback-friendly culture by actively seeking your nanny’s input and valuing their expertise. 

Take the time to provide constructive feedback to your nanny in a supportive and respectful manner. Focus on specific behaviors or practices and offer practical suggestions for improvement. Be sure to balance constructive feedback with positive reinforcement to build confidence and motivation.

10. Celebrate Milestones Together

Acknowledging and celebrating your child’s milestones and achievements together with your nanny helps build a stronger bond and reinforces their integral role in your child’s development.

Share specific milestones you are tracking and explain why they are important. For example, if your child is learning to tie their shoes, discuss the significance of this skill in fostering independence. Encourage your nanny to share in these celebrations, for instance by sharing photos with you. Define how often you expect her to share updates from her time with the child, for example via messenger.

Discuss and model how to communicate praise and feedback to your child. For example, rather than using external rewards, focus on intrinsic motivation and personal satisfaction. When you return home, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the milestone together.

Photo of Maria in a play-space



Hope you enjoyed reading this article.🤗 
I am Maria. A mom of three and a Montessori education and development expert. 
I am supporting multilingual families and families living abroad to bring Montessori-inspired play and learning into their homes – with simple, yet effective activities using recycled and natural materials.

Having been privileged to train over 200 nannies in more than 15 countries, I love seeing how every day items can be transformed into fun play ideas in a few minutes. You do not need a lot to come up with amazing creative play and learning ideas. I’ll show you and your nanny how. 

Get started and Download the full FREE Nanny Onboarding Guide now.

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