3-step Montessori Language Learning Method for Kids

Montessori language learning method

If you are moving to another country, it can be tricky for your children to learn, yet, another community language.

Maybe you think that your child does not need to learn it. But even if your child might not become fluent and might quickly forget the language once you move, there are a lot of benefits for your child to learn at least some words.

When we came to Vietnam, I tried out with our Nanny a Montessori-inspired 3-period playful learning method, which worked really well for us. I will explain further below how it works.

And even if you are not moving countries, this method is perfect to develop your toddler´s vocabulary and language skills in your home language – whatever language you speak.

Animals are a nice way to get started. But the same method works with any object. You can also play it with colors, shapes, numbers, etc.

Here are the 3 different steps to guide you:

STEP 1: Show and tell

Take 3 animals. Show them one after the other to your child and say the word. Repeat this step several times.

STEP 2: Where is …

Put the 3 animals one besides the other. Name one animal and ask your child to show you where it is. Play this game as long as your child is interested and until your child is confidently showing you the right animal.

STEP 3: What is this …

Finally, point to one of the animals and ask your child. ´What is this?´
Be patient. Depending on the age, your child will soon be able to say the write word.

Once your child is confident with the 3 words, you can add up to 6, 9 or 12 animals. Go each time through the 3 steps, reviewing the old vocabulary and adding 3 new words to it.

If you are more of a visual type, please watch my explanations how we use this method in our home.

How to get started with Playful Learning

In this FREE 3-Day Video-Course I am showing you the first steps you can take to stimulate and engage your child in playful learning activities at home without tantrums and without any materials you have to buy.

Hi, Nice to meet you

Learning and growing up with multiple languages does not have to be hard work. I am Maria, a mother of 3 kids, an development and education expert and Montessori homeschooler. Having lived as a family over ten years in Africa and Asia I know exactly how challenging it can be to get access to high quality educational activities. With my step-by-step playful learning method, I am showing you how to raise little happy multilingual learners with limited time and only using local materials.

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Do you feel stuck on the language front and would like to find a language learning strategy that works for your family?

Feel free to reach out for a free orientation call with me where we will figure out concrete playful learning strategies for your child.

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